Downtown Greensboro Businesses Host Trick-Or-Treating For The Community
Downtown Greensboro Businesses Host Trick-Or-Treating For The Community

October 28, 2017
On a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Downtown Greensboro, the city streets were filled with Superheroes, Ninja Turtles, a giraffe and even a baby President!
Jennifer Graf of Vintage To Vogue and Downtown Greensboro, Inc. partnered with other businesses Downtown to bring "Downtown Greensboro Trick-Or-Treat" to the community.
The event is in its second year and Jennifer stated that "it is a very grassroots campaign and businesses have really gotten behind participating." An exciting addition to this event is businesses willingness to participate in the Teal Pumpkin Project. The project provides an alternative to kids that have food allergies so businesses offer toys and non-edible goodies as a substitute....